Saturday, November 28, 2020


bill = float(input('what is the total? '))
split = int(input('how many people are there? '))
tip = int(input('how much tip will you enter,10,12 or 15 euro? '))

bill_with_tip = tip / 100 * bill + bill
result = (bill_with_tip / split)
total = round(result, 2)
print(f"each person should pay ${total}")

Friday, November 27, 2020

cost = input("how much is the bill? ")
people=input("how many people you are? ")
share_perperson = total/int(people)
print(round(share_perperson, 2))

Thursday, November 26, 2020


print(f"You have {365*leftyears} days, {52*leftyears} weeks, and {12*leftyears} months left.")

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 two_digit_number = input("Type a two digit number: ")

a = two_digit_number[0]
b = two_digit_number[1]

int_a = int(a)
int_b = int(b)

print(int_a + int_b)👍